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Please support SHARE!’s essential services: 190 people housed in 2020, 171 online support groups. Credit/debit cards, Paypal accepted.

  • $2,500 gets one person off the street today forever
  • $1,000 opens a new house to house 8 to 10 people
  • $500 pays the 1st months rent for one homeless person
  • $250 gets a new recovery meeting online
  • $100 provides peer support for to 8 newly housed people
  • $50 instructs 7 newcomers how to use Zoom to access recovery meetings online
  • $25 provides a welcome care package to a new resident

#GivingTuesdayNow is a global day of giving and unity on May 5, 2020 as an emergency response to the unprecedented need caused by COVID-19.

A global threat like COVID-19 affects more than just the infected. A pandemic like this touches every person on the planet, and it presents an opportunity to come together as a global community.
By supporting SHARE!, participate in the most epic #GivingTuesday yet.

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