Honoring Alysa Solomon


Honoring Alysa Solomon

Honoring Alysa Solomon

By Editor SHARE! on

SHARE! is deeply saddened by the loss of psychologist Alysa Solomon, a DMH employee who worked tirelessly on behalf of those with mental health issues, most recently doing outreach on Skid Row. She will be greatly missed.

Thank you for joining us at the memorial for Alysa on Monday, August 8, 2016 at 2 pm at SHARE! Culver City, 6666 Green Valley Circle, Culver City CA 90230. [VIDEO: Rabbi Silverman speaks at Alysa’s memorial.]

Her family has requested that donations on behalf of Alysa be made to SHARE!.

Checks made out to SHARE! should be sent to 6666 Green Valley Circle, Culver City CA 90230. Donations can also be made electronically via PayPal at https://www.paypal.com/us/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_flow&SESSION=NngviW8NAMbOhIfvF5lBoFffnSIa6o50MfYlU7yYNhS-kr7RcB7TdRwXDAi&dispatch=5885d80a13c0db1f8e263663d3faee8d64813b57e559a2578463e58274899069

Alysa, left and SHARE! Executive Director Ruth Hollman
Alysa and SHARE! Executive Director Ruth

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