
Open House–Advanced Peer Specialist Certification

By Editor SHARE! on

Interested in the SHARE! Advanced Peer Specialist Certification?

Come to an Open House on January 11, 2018 at 1 pm at SHARE! Culver City. Find out more about the job opportunities, dates and requirements of the training program.


  • Pamela Hawes says:

    I’m wondering why wouldn’t Jerry brown would not have your housing plan instead of wasting tax payers money and eliminating the housing problems? Also wanted to add I am currently a mental health female that has volunteely been in therapy 4years now in Orange County. I loved finding out about you but disappointed that your only in L.A. as I was looking for a place just like you. Do you have any plans to expand to here. Need this here. Do you have resources for self help groups. Dual diagnosis, empowerment.depression.coping skills.menters.any intern to jobs programs? Emotions. Meditation. Stop smoking programs that have proven help. Self esteem. The county programs offer only 2,3programs which I went every day. Now transfer to older adults program with none. Only get my medication pretty could you help? Also please come to Orange Co. Please. THANK YOU FOR HOPE. YOU HAVE GOT IT RIGHT.

  • Elaine Gradford says:

    Thank you for all the incredible work u do for all of us & the LA community!

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